Urbem is now a B Corporation

We have achieved another important recognition for our sustainability and ESG practices: the B Corporation certification!

The B Corporation system is a global organization that, since 2006, has brought together companies worldwide that aim not only for financial success but also for the well-being of society and the planet, encompassing all three ESG spheres. Currently, there are more than 7,000 companies with the B Corporation seal, of various sizes and market segments, all sharing the purpose of working together to create a new economy: more inclusive, equitable, and regenerative.



This certification represents a significant achievement because it has been desired since Urbem’s conception and birth back in 2021. In our planning, we had up to five years to achieve the certification, but in 2023 we began filling out the information and immediately received an excellent score of 85 points. In 2024, we started the process of submitting information and documentation, and we were certified in July with a total of 97.3 points.

The best part is that this certification was earned through actions and practices already existing within our organization. This is a testament that Urbem is a unique company, one that cares about the positive impact we leave on the world.

For Vanessa Pereira, our Legal and Sustainability Manager, this achievement endorses the corporate values that are part of the organization. ‘We entered the market with the concepts of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) as the pillars of our business. Recognition by such a rigorous institution is a valuable endorsement for clients, partners, and consumers that our rhetoric aligns with our practice,’ the executive asserts.



In addition to being a B Corporation, we are also certified with the FSC® C190591 seal, focused on the chain of custody, and the SESI ‘ESG em Foco’ seal, which ensures sustainable practices within industries in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Gustavo Cruvinel Borges, our CEO, reinforces the company’s commitment to positive social and environmental impacts. ‘It’s not just about what we do, but also how we do it. We will continue moving forward toward becoming an increasingly sustainable and innovative company,’ he concludes.

The future is built not only with wood but also with conscious companies. Join us in this journey!